Date: Saturday 22 July
Time: 08:30
Price: R240 (meal included)
Duration: 180 min
Place: The Ramblers Club
With: Etienne van Heerden, Hennie van Coller and Anthea van Jaarsveld
Music: Herman van den Bergh and Nicol Viljoen
Chef: Suné Niemand (Upper Crust)
This breakfast offers festival goers the opportunity to enjoy excellent food and wine, to listen to music of the utmost quality and even get to know a special author up-close. This year, the guest author is the well-known Etienne van Heerden, who is launching his new novel, Die wêreld van Charlie Oeng, at the festival. Supported by Van Rensburg Patoloë; wine sponsor: Longridge and Raats.
Tickets are available through Computicket: